Breath is the most powerful

We breath in and out. We breath in and out.

We feel the world inside us. Air is the most powerful communication medium. In every breath we taken in information through O2. A full powerful breath, filling the entire lung capacity with fresh information.

We pump and filter the information into our heart and our blood stream. Every cell newly energized, interacting with the outside world from the inside.

We breath out, information created from inside us. We breath out CO2 which in turn is taken in by our plant and ocean kingdoms.

We are directly connected to Gaia, kept alive by nature.

We are no longer in harmony with Gaia. We are becoming disconnected. New machine like systems engulfing us. Filters, manipulation of Gaia, controlled by the FEW. We move into these machine like cities. Becoming arrogant and lost as we loss our pulse. Slowly weaving into a new platform, our entire existence dependent on the FEW.

Can we live in harmony between nature, human and machine? Must one take over the other?

If balanced is not kept. We are dominated by one of these systems.

Notice your breath

Go sit in nature, take a long deep breath and exhale. Notice the many flavours you can smell and taste. Enveloping your lungs. Repeat taking your breaths, speed up the pace. In and out, in and out. Breath in and out 30 times, and then hold on your last breath out. Hold as long as you can, sitting still, letting your mind wonder. Feeling the vibrations around you. Once you feel the urge to breath - take a deep breath in and hold for another 15 seconds. Breath out and repeat. Repeat as many times as you feel comfortable. I recommend doing at least 4 rounds. To keep track of how long you are able to hold your breath you may try my open source Wim Hof breathing meditation app. Inner breeze - for Inner Peace.

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Inner Breeze

Find serenity in every breath with Inner Breeze. This app guides you through the Wim Hof Breathing Method with ease.